Dear White People Wiki
Dear White People Wiki

Mx. Junie Mx. Junie 26 January 2018

Dear White People: Comparisons and Constracts

Dear White People, as it is well known, was a creation by Justin Simien and the collaborative efforts and work of his associates, to produce a dramatic satire on the livelihood of black people within predominant white spaces. In the movie, it follows four separate stories of characters Samantha White, Coco Conners, Lionel Higgins, and Troy Fairbanks, telling stories of colorism, homophobia, sexism, and most noticably racism. To break down certain areas (using my perspective), here is what I mean to convey...

In the movie:

  • Samantha White is a media student of mixed Caucasian (through her father) and African-American (through her mother) enthnicity, whom pushes to display her appreciation and progressiveness towards her blackness. Likewise, sh…
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